H2 Global Group has been granted a patent for a promising method of treating Alzheimer's disease using molecular hydrogen. This innovative approach reduces oxidative stress, a key factor in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and offers long-term improvements in cognitive function and overall quality of life for patients.

Sources: Hospodářské noviny, Peníze.cz, Finmag, H2 Times

"Patients inhale molecular hydrogen, which leads to significant improvement in their condition," explains pharmacist and H2 Pharm director Milan Krajíček. "Typical molecular hydrogen therapy lasts six months and involves inhalation of 3% hydrogen for one hour, twice a day. Results from a 2023 clinical study showed that after six months of hydrogen inhalation, patients experienced improvements in cognitive function and neuron quality, with the benefits lasting even a year after the treatment ended."

This patented therapy comes from Japanese professor of biomedicine Shigeo Ohta, who has been researching the antioxidant properties of molecular hydrogen for decades. Along with fellow doctors Yoji Nishijima and Hirohisa Ono, they have been working on this research since 1997. "The mechanisms of action include selective neutralization of hydroxyl radicals, reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation, improvement of mitochondrial function, and support for neurogenesis," explains Professor Ohta, who serves as Vice President for Science and Research at H2 Global Group.

"Follow-ups were conducted at 3, 6, and 12 months, including clinical assessments using the cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale and advanced MRI evaluation of neuron integrity. Some patients inhaled for two years, and for these, issues like incontinence and other health complications affecting quality of life disappeared," specifies Professor Ohta. Importantly, scientific studies show that the administration of molecular hydrogen is free of side effects, which are otherwise common in traditional pharmacotherapy.

H2 Global Group holds a registered patent for this therapy for the international market. The hydrogen therapy package includes a comprehensive solution involving inhalation generators and hydrogen water production devices from its subsidiary H2 Medical Technologies, as well as dietary supplements supporting natural hydrogen production from H2 Pharm. These unique solutions have been used for several years in Czech spa facilities and households.

H2 Global Group CEO Viktória Procházková points out that Alzheimer's disease is becoming a societal issue and places a significant burden on the healthcare system. "We must make every effort to reduce the incidence of this disease through the preventive use of this promising solution."

According to the International Alzheimer's Association, the number of people living with Alzheimer's disease is expected to reach approximately 78 million by 2030 and over 152 million by 2050 unless effective treatments or preventive measures are developed.

Hydrogen therapy could be a breakthrough. Procházková adds that the use of molecular hydrogen as a complementary therapy is not just for specialized AD centers but also for regular senior care facilities, where dementia is a common challenge. "Integrating this therapy can significantly improve patients' quality of life and reduce the burden on caregivers," says Procházková.

"This patent complements previous patents for dementia therapy already held by H2 Global Group in Europe and the USA. These now allow us to expand from the wellness and spa sector into a new era of practical application of molecular hydrogen." H2 Global Group is currently planning a pilot clinical study in the Czech Republic, which could begin later this year.

The patented molecular hydrogen therapy also opens up a new half-billion-dollar framework for investors within H2 Global Group, which has already been approved by the Czech National Bank to further develop activities in this area.

You can find the full study here: