Frequently Asked Questions

You can start anytime. Keep in mind that the investment lasts for 3 years. The funds will be continuously appreciating, and every month, the returns will be transferred to your account.

The minimum investment is 50,000 CZK. For higher amounts, you will receive a bonus by increasing the annual interest rate. From 250,000 CZK + 1% p.a., from 500,000 CZK + 2%, from 1 million CZK + 3%.

It is a short-term investment lasting up to 3 years. Interest is paid continuously. The invested funds will be returned to you after this period.

The investment process takes place online on the platform where, after registration, you can complete the entire purchase from the comfort of your home. Within 30 days, bonds issued in your name will be sent to your address.

The investment is free of charge. Opening and managing the account is also free for the entire duration of the investment.

"Our goal is to offer products in the hydrogen world and make this unique sector accessible to investors."

Mgr. Martin Frais
Director of Molecular HydroGEN Investment Group